When I originally set this goal, I had just moved to California.
I had no clue how I was going to achieve this life dream, but I had a burning desire.

And, this burning desire couldn’t be ignored.

In the last 17 years and counting, as a neuroscience based Positive Psychology expert, High Performance Coach, Mental Wellness Consultant, and a speaker, I’ve had the privilege to witness my clients from all ages, backgrounds, and stages of life become their most positive self, leave their past behind, believe they are deserving, and live a life they’ve always dreamed of.

I believe you are deserving of your own happiness, too.

whose goal is to infuse more positivity into our world.

whose goal is to infuse
more positivity into our world.

But, you might have convinced yourself that you aren’t good enough, smart enough, qualified yet, or confident enough to do what you really want to do. I used to believe that, too.


MY GOAL is to help you break free from anything holding you back like doubt, rejection, and imposter syndrome so you can have long lasting self confidence, achieve more success, and live with joy, impact, and freedom everyday.

If you are struggling and you feel like something needs to change, you can start fresh with me.

I’m here for you because I understand how hard it’s been for you. I promise you, I will help you to believe in yourself again. Your self belief will take you to places you never thought you could go.

Before I tell you how you can overcome your challenges, believe in yourself like never before, become more positive, and start living the life you dream of:

let me share where I originally started.

I’ve had countless redo moments and fresh starts in my life. I haven’t always been the most positive either and it definitely wasn’t a straight line to success personally and professionally. Don’t let anyone fool you into thinking success is a smooth and straight line. Actually, it was a lot of uphill battles, a lot of rejection and rock bottoms that almost broke me,

I know how draining it feels to struggle alone. I know the stress and anxiety weighing you down because I felt it too. It was my ‘normal’ for so many years.

Honestly, I wasn’t living up to my name, Joy.

I know the worries, fears, and doubts that are loud and intimidating. You wish you could silence them. And, that harsh and critical self talk scolds you after you mess up and keeps reminding you that you aren’t enough.

Just when you start believing in yourself, feel ready to take action, then you hear the “what if’s someone judges and dislikes me?” and you lose all momentum. It’s one of the hardest to pick yourself back up from those crippling what ifs. You question yourself in frustration, 

“I KNOW A LOT, but why do I keep thinking, “NO, I can’t do that…I’m not ready yet.”

Looking in the mirror,
I treated myself like a
self-improvement project and was “under construction”
all the time.
I was constantly preoccupied that my flaws weren’t gone yet. I saw and talked to myself as an addition or subtraction equation–
“swap this, eliminate this, stop doing this, start doing this, add this instead, be more like her…”

The “do more, do it all, and do it perfectly” approach was not working — it was a prison.

Other times,
I tried to connect to my
‘highest and future self.’
I’d envision my future self–happier, more successful, more wealthy, in love, confident,
and more free.
But, at times, it seemed so far away–almost unobtainable,
you know?
“Can I really become her?
Am I on the right track?
What if I never reach these dreams I have?”
Secretly, I would wish I was “her” already so I could bypass my uncomfortable stages.

I spent years and money trying figure it out on my own, jumping to the next promised self improvement content while feeling trapped in the confusion of what to do next, which decisions should I take, the paralyzing fears of avoiding a mistake, and this pounding, unignorable burning desire to take charge of my own happiness for once.

deciding you are deserving of your own happiness
and the life you dream of,
it is the best,
unforgettable decision ever.



I understand because that was my ‘normal' for so many years:

Just to share, 

 I have ADHD and I’ve overcome low self worth, feeling behind as a “slow” learner, never feeling good enough and smart enough.
I value everything about me including my ADHD, quirks and strengths that are no longer seen as a disadvantage and different.

 I love myself and my body wholeheartedly even though I had years of anorexia, binge eating, and disordered eating patterns.

I’ve healed and taken responsibility from my hurtful experiences and outdated beliefs around my worth of being unlovable from a narcissistic marriage and toxic dynamics.

I live with joy, impact, and freedom even though for a period of time, I had to move back in with my parents as an adult.

Lastly, I’ve developed unwavering grit and faith in myself even though I’ve had thousands of rejections of no’s which every “no” ended up advancing my career.


I started from the very bottom as a Behavioral Aide with low income, emotionally traumatized, and behaviorally aggressive special education children and their families. Imagine getting choked, thrown items at you, yelled at everyday, and have to quickly act within seconds so it wouldn’t escalate even worse while remaining patient, calm, understanding and teaching positive coping skills through these experiences.

I kept being an encouraging light and infusing positivity to my clients. I used storytelling, props, engaging physical activities, and humor to educate, empower, and equip my clients. That was a glimpse of my everyday life for years. I was handling the most intense, crisis and traumatic situations and caseloads in culturally diverse areas in Hawaii, Los Angeles and San Diego.

I kept thinking, “There has to be another way to help people!” This is when I began developing positive, preventative and proactive strategies where anyone could use it at any time, any place, and at any age. I knew deeply at that time, mental wellness happens when we are preventative, proactive, and believe we are the solution to ourselves.

I kept thinking, “There has to be another way to help people!” This is when I began developing positive, preventative and proactive strategies where anyone could use it at any time, any place, and at any age. I knew deeply at that time, mental wellness happens when we are preventative, proactive, and believe we are the solution to ourselves.

I started from the very bottom as a Behavioral Aide with low income, emotionally traumatized, and behaviorally aggressive special education children and their families. Imagine getting choked, thrown items at you, yelled at everyday, and have to quickly act within seconds so it wouldn’t escalate even worse while remaining patient, calm, understanding and teaching positive coping skills through these experiences.

I kept being an encouraging light and infusing positivity to my clients. I used storytelling, props, engaging physical activities, and humor to educate, empower, and equip my clients. That was a glimpse of my everyday life for years. I was handling the most intense, crisis and traumatic situations and caseloads in culturally diverse areas in Hawaii, Los Angeles and San Diego.

Remember, that burning desire I couldn’t ignore?
This burning desire became definite and dominating to initiate changes I knew I could do in mental wellness and positive psychology.



I knew I was working at the wrong end of the spectrum because clients needed me desperately in very urgent, stressful, crisis, traumatic, and uncertain circumstances.

So I did what was natural for me, I trusted and followed my insatiable curiosity and delved in depth to understand and create solutions that would be available to everyone:

  • What makes people transform and not have short lived changes?

  • Why do some people REFUSE to relapse to their prior habits and limiting beliefs?

  • How do you become resilient and happy even after you've experienced the worst circumstances of heartbreak, financial loss, or challenges that could cause you to lose hope?

  • What are the secrets to the people no matter their background and industry are driven, continue to progress, achieve more, and are fulfilled with their life?

My burning desire connected me to the best of the best from:
  • in depth trainings on how to make your brain change in your favor (neuroplasticity),

  • the fundamentals of being positive and creating a positive life,

  • how to rapidly change your beliefs independently,

  • how to naturally let go of your past hurts and memories without therapy,

  • high performance psychology that anyone can tap into,

  • The preciseness of when to use visualizations, 

  • successful icons in entrepreneurship and trailblazing artists who prove imagination is a natural skill we all have

I began transforming myself then it grew by word of mouth rapidly, I began mentoring and coaching other females to radically transform years of hating their body and feeling ashamed, not feeling enough, never being loved (and never dated too), and imposter syndrome.

Even with all this information, there was still a flaw in my system that I didn’t know at the time, the brain is hardwired for our own and with others for connection, belonging, and unity. It’s second nature for each of us to want to feel accepted, understood, appreciated, valued, and belong everyday.

Without it, we are isolating, more stressed out than ever, guarded, and it can lead to mental health issues and suicide.

Within the most recent two years, I had two close people die from suicide. It was shocking and changed my life upside down. I reevaluated everything. If someone dear to you has passed from suicide, it’s lifechanging.

I went on sabbatical. It’s unheard of, but I recognized something needed to change. Solutions happen when we address what was overlooked and missing. And, that’s what I’ve been doing since then.

Ethically and professionally, 

I could have let these two sad situations break me. 


is to globally empower one million
ambitious, high-achieving females by 2028
to stop doubting whether they can have it all.

We will guide you to transform into your most
positive self and create the life you dream of.

We will guide you to transform into your most positive self and create the life you dream of by 2028.

that no one has shared with you

Since our brain is hardwired for our own connection, belonging, and acceptance, the real transformation begins in our brain, not in our behaviors, not in our habits, and routines.

This is all linked to our brain, I want to help you.

I’ve helped myself and multiple clients switch their brain ‘on’ to health, confidence, love, success, achievement, joy, fulfillment, you name it.

There’s specific words and practices that naturally switch yours on immediately, continuously, and eliminate the limitations you’ve had.

I know how frustrating it is to want to have healthier habits, but you keep procrastinating, are inconsistent, overwhelmed, feel afraid of how daunting changing is and have even given up.

Imagine being happier and enjoying progress without
  • pressuring, 
  • threatening, 
  • restricting, 
  • giving up, and 
  • talking harshly to yourself.

You deserve to become more
  • successful, 
  • positive, and 
  • do what you really want to do. 

I am committed to helping you. 

And, what you’ve learned up to this point from other professionals, friends, and your own life experiences, it’s going to require more than positive thinking, manifesting rituals, journaling till your hand is cramped, visualizing the best outcomes, unwavering grit, working harder and longer, or even vision boards.

My proven system gives you the specific sequence so you can apply it with confidence and certainty that it works over and over.

I’ve tried them, and do love some of them,
but these are just random tools without a specialized system. These are not the real solutions.

Positivity is not a cookie cutter approach and one-size-fits-all concept.
You’ve tried that. It was bland, generic, and short lived. Those aren’t meant for you.

I am excited to share a powerful truth with you– the positivity you desire is something you can personally design no matter what you have accomplished so far, what age you are, what stage of life you’re in, what stressful situations you are overcoming, or wherever you live.

from other high vibe coaches, manifestation coaches,
mindset coaches, and self-proclaimed gurus.


When information is misleading or motivational “high vibes” from “gurus” and coaches, it temporarily “feels good” but long term, you don’t have a truthful, reliable action plan.

And, you’re back to your original place or even worse.

I don’t want that to happen to you ever again.

What you need is the most up to date, accurate brain based information around transformation, mental wellness, and the system to help you design the life you dream of.

They are only talking about a very small focus, using their personal hero story as subjective evidence (no data driven results here), and are missing all the other necessary pieces that are REQUIRED for long lasting transformations.


I’ve designed a new model that makes all other coaches and information obsolete. I am pioneering the use of data driven-EEG headbands that track your brainwaves and help you become more calm, present and focused so we can prevent more stress, exhaustion, overwhelm, and apathy. I’ve seen phenomenal real time data driven results during transformation sessions and even during workouts to improve your mindset and performance.

I’ve dedicated my career and stand up for what I believe in. I’ve confidently been able to transform thousands of clients from this proven, reliable system for your brain, beliefs, and behaviors that simultaneously changes together more naturally and easily.

Get Your Data-Driven EEG Headband Now!



The best part is when clients share how the decision to invest themselves keeps being the most valuable pivot in their life.

They glow and gush how unrecognizable they are from their past, even three months ago.

They physically lost weight, are more confident, in love with themselves, feel wholeness and acceptance, have a reliable support system, have personalized every belief to help them achieve more and feel happier everyday, and feel equipped to handle even larger, unimaginable goals. 

Each client has thanked me for helping them take charge of their own happiness.

They text me messages that represent how much they’ve transformed, aren’t swayed by their emotions, feel lovable and confident, feel safe to share with others and no longer feel alone, have the confidence to impact, and never feel like an imposter.

No one can see you making decisions but they always see the results of your decisions.

Now, it’s your turn. It’s your time to become your most positive self and create the life you dream of.

You are a trailblazer who is ready to discover your personal path to your true happiness, fulfillment, ambitions, impact, and exciting dreams.

You can really experience it all.

I was placed on this earth to activate your vast potential so you can live the life you deserve.



I WHOLEHEARTEDLY believe you are worth having alongside me to fight for the same impact I want to have. 

I want to help you to become your most alive, confidently secure, influential, successful, capable, and equipped to handle life’s toughest moments. I would love to hear and meet you! Join the SOUL’D OUT movement and connect in our SOUL’D OUT DREAMERS CLUB because we have your spot saved for you.

I’m Believing in You,

I was placed on this earth to activate within you to believe in yourself entirely. I’ll help you to stop believing in your doubts, fears, insecurities. I'll guide you to transform your brain and mind so you can become genuinely positive, achieve your most ambitious goals, and create a life you dream of no matter what you're going through.

It's your turn!


Joy’s style of transforming is engaging, fun, and informative. After the session, I was blown away by what huge aha breakthroughs I had.

Even being a therapist myself, I didn’t know any of this information existed!

Joy is so genuine – there is no fake B.S. with her. She is an expert in transformation. She is not a motivational, generalist coach and she's not a "high vibe" coach you see on instagram. She is the real deal of breaking down practical steps to transform your brain to achieve the results you want in your life!

She is a walking testimony of using her insights and processes everyday! 

She is intelligent and empathetic without preaching with a lot of intimidating, clinical psychology words. She is able to articulate the brain information in simple, fun, and engaging ways. I left completely ready and equipped to tackle my largest goals I've put off.

She truly wants to do more than help you "feel better."

Her main mission is to have you equipped to handle any setback and still come out on top. She definitely dispelled a lot of success myths that were holding me back! 

Her program is based on neuroscience, not motivational and manifesting fluff out there while making it so easy to understand.

She makes the process of changing doable and rewarding. 

It was the first time I have ever experienced CONSISTENT changes.

I am now so confident, fulfilled, and achieving goals faster than my peers and friends. I highly recommend, Joy. You will become unrecognizable in every area of your life.

Overcome any situation, limitation, stress and negative self talk that's  holding you back and create the you you've been dreaming off. Click the button below to start your change!

want to start the new you?


follow us at @joy.keiko.yamamoto